Visionen des Wandels
Visions of Change
The page displays excerpts from my Bachelor's thesis. The showcased thesis describes an exhibition concept and serves as a style guide. It aims to provide inspiration for an exhibition at the Produzentengalerie Hamburg and, with anticipation of a potential implementation, explain all necessary components of realization in detail.

The Bachelor's thesis describes small and large protest actions that held generations in suspense, leading most residents of Hamburg to still recognize the keyword 'Hafenstraße' today.
Over the years, the buildings of Hafenstraße provided shelter and space for alternative lifestyles, political discussions, and cultural events. They became a symbol of resistance against gentrification and displacement from St. Pauli. However, conflict with the authorities was inevitable. The eviction of the buildings by the police led to intense protests and confrontations.
The location chosen for this exhibition was also taken over by peaceful protests from cultural creators and activists.
Therefore, this exhibition concept presents the history of these special places of vision and their significance for the city of Hamburg and beyond. It showcases images, documents, and objects from the time of occupations and resistance. Visitors can gain insight into the challenges faced by the occupiers and how they overcame them.
The exhibition also aims to emphasize the importance of the fight for social justice in today's world. Events such as those in Lützerath show that there are still places today where resistance against the status quo takes place.
"Visions of Change" aims to remind people of the importance of such places and the individuals who strive for a better future.
Visitors should be inspired by the exhibition to also get involved, whether through political engagement, environmental protection, or simply through solidarity.
The exhibition aims to stimulate intergenerational dialogue. Today, we can still personally connect with this movement and age group. Witnesses can convey their perspectives and impressions directly to visitors.

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